Bucks Dental Health and Esthetics

Just regular denture still shines

Just regular denture still shines

Posted by Hai Qing


on Aug 23 2022, 12:23 AM

Just regular denture still shines
Dental Bridge patient

After a thorough and comprehensive exam and diagnosis, we performed periodontal therapy including deep cleaning and caries control including some fillings.

Dental Bridge patient

Then Prosthodontist Qing use his specialist technique, namely Injection molding, Layering staining, and Lingualized occlusion technique to fabricate the premium upper full denture against the lower removable partial denture.

Dental Bridge patient

This method is very conservative, which can save her own teeth and provide a low-cost full mouth restoration for her. Mrs C is very happy and now she can smile confidently to her own patients at Doylestown Hospital.

Dental Bridge patient

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